Mac News and Rumors for January 22nd


This week, we’ll talk about the announcement of the Apple Tablet computer, which will likely come next week.  There’s also some news about Apple and Microsoft playing nice with each other and a scoop about upcoming sale items in the PokerStars VIP Club Store.

AppleInsider Claims to Have Seen Apple’s Tablet

A report on AppleInsider claims that the site has received detailed information about the Apple tablet.  They are stating that it is reminiscent of a first generation iPhone, but offers features similar to the iPhone 3G S.  Other sources have claimed that they have seen prototypes that are compatible with various wireless networks.

There are a ton of other reports popping up all over the internet.  The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the tablet is coming out next week, will be 10 to 11” in size, and priced around $1,000.  There are some invites given to the gaming media to the announcement, with rumors circulating that Apple has worked with Electronic Arts (EA) to show off the tablet’s gaming capabilities.

Popular site uncovered what it calls evidence that Apple has been pursuing trademarks for the name “iPad” as early as last week.  Apple’s media event will take place next week and it’s widely expected that not only will there be a tablet computer announcement, but also information about OS 4.0 for the iPhone.

Apps Coming to the Kindle?

The New York Times is reporting that Amazon is deploying a software development kit to allow programmers to bring applications to the company’s e-book reader, the Kindle.  The move follows a change in the Kindle royalty program that suggests Amazon is about to take Apple head-on for e-book supremacy.  Companies such as EA have been reportedly looking into the Kindle for potential application development projects. May Replace Google on the iPhone

Reports are surfacing from BusinessWeek that Apple is negotiating with Microsoft to replace Google as the default search engine on the iPhone.  In its place will be Microsoft’s, with talks having been underway for weeks.  This move is fueled by Google’s jump into the mobile phone operating system industry that directly rivals Apple’s iPhone.

Apple Releases Boot Camp 3.1 Supporting Windows 7

Who would ever have thought that our rumor department would include two items that had Apple and Microsoft playing nice with each other?  This time, it’s Apple’s Boot Camp 3.1, which includes support for Windows 7 and addresses other issues.  Boot Camp is Apple’s tool to allow Mac owners to dual boot Windows alongside Mac OS X.

Sale at PokerStars Wraps Up Soon

If you haven’t already heard, the VIP Club Store at PokerStars is having a daily sale on one item.  A spreadsheet was floated around the TwoPlusTwo forums and is unconfirmed, but here are the remaining sale items.  Again, this is a rumor, but so far, it looks like reliable data:

1/22 – Daniel Negreanu’s Book (2,000 FPPs at 50% off = 1,000 FPPs)
1/23 – Step 1 Ticket (500 FPPs at 50% off = 250 FPPs)
1/24 – Sunday $100K $11 Ticket (700 FPPs at 50% off = 350 FPPs)
1/25 – $50 VIP Cash Reward (5,000 FPPs at 40% off = 3,000 FPPs)
1/26 – $285 VIP Cash Reward (25,000 FPPs at 20% off = 20,000 FPPs)
1/27 – iPod Touch 32GB (25,000 FPPs at 20% off = 20,000 FPPs)
1/28 – $530 Tournament Ticket (33,000 FPPs at 24% off = 25,000 FPPs)
1/29 – WorldEvents Ticket $200 (14,000 FPPs at 21% off = 11,000 FPPs)
1/30 – $215 Ticket (13,500 FPPs at 26% off = 10,000 FPPs)
1/31 – $650 VIP Cash Reward (50,000 FPPs at 20% off = 40,000 FPPs)


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