Mac Rumors and News for May 1st


Another week and another slew of rumors for Apple that we just can’t get enough of.  This time around, there is more alleged leaked information about Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and other possible upcoming products.

Snow Leopard’s QuickTime X Player Offering Integrated YouTube Sharing

Popular Apple rumor website AppleInsider is reporting that Apple will continue to build on its strategic alliance with YouTube and offer integrated file sharing from within the new version of QuickTime X, shipping with the Snow Leopard rollout later this year.  Apparently, the rumor is that the application allows users to take any video supported by QuickTime and directly upload it to YouTube.  Google, which owns YouTube, has been in an alliance with Apple over open web standards.  The two companies agreed that YouTube would begin converting the entire video archive from a Flash to the Apple-created H.264 standard.

Apple’s Hiring of ATI Executive Leads to Speculation

Bob Drebin, the former Chief Technology Officer at AMD for the Graphics Products Group, brings extensive experience in graphics chip design and development.  There has been no formal announcement for what Drebin’s role will be with Apple, but it’s clear he is there to oversee the development of OpenCL. If you’re not familiar with OpenCL, it is a key component of Apple’s Snow Leopard operating system that allows multi-core CPUs to take advantage of parallel processing between multi-core CPUs and graphics chips.

Verizon Rumors Continue to Grow

Despite both companies saying that nothing is in the works and a relationship doesn’t make sense hardware-wise, Business Week published a report that claims Apple might be in development of two devices specific only to Verizon for release in 2010.  The magazine quotes “two people familiar with the subject” that the products are an “iPhone Lite” and a “Media Pad,” which will be similar to the Amazon Kindle.

Microsoft Wants its own iPhone

Fresh off getting lambasted in the personal music device industry (oh you silly Zune-rs), the Wall Street Journal says that Microsoft and Verizon are in talks to launch an iPhone rival in 2010.  The device would be similar to Google’s Android platform, where Microsoft would provide the design, development, and operating system (apparently something different than Windows Mobile 5.0).

More Features Coming to iTunes 8.3?

A forum poster noted that the latest version of iTunes makes a reference to Blu-ray data, suggesting that the program could be in line to support reading Blu-ray media in the near future.  Currently, there have been no confirmations that this technology is coming into place anytime in the near future.


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