Poker Players Alliance Releases iPhone App


Everyone these days has an Apple iPhone.  With the popularity of the phone still growing, the number of useful applications available also increases.  As poker players, we’ve come to rely on our iPhones for a number of activities including Tweeting, e-mail, web browsing, making calls, and, of course, playing poker video games.  The Poker Players Alliance, otherwise known as the PPA, is a lobbying organization that assists in efforts within the United States to legalize the game.  Recently the PPA developed, in conjunction with the Orange Hat Group, an iPhone application.

To find the PPA application, start up your iPhone’s App Store application and go to the “Search” area.  Once there, type in “Poker Players Alliance” and the application will come up.  If you type in “PPA” or “poker,” you will not find the application and instead will end up very frustrated at the onslaught of results you get.  The PPA application costs just $0.99 and has the following description:

“Stay up to date with the latest news, Tweets, upcoming tournaments, and more with the Poker Players Alliance app.  Share your thoughts and spread the word via Twitter or Facebook.  View other PPA members that have checked in near you and even contact your Senators and Representatives to let them know that poker is not a crime!”

“Your purchase will help further the mission of the Poker Players Alliance, to establish favorable laws that provide poker players with a secure, safe, and regulated place to play.”

Within the application, there are five main sections: “Social,” “Barcodes,” “Around Me,” “About PPA,” and “Profile.”  Each section has a lot in it, but the area with the most interesting information is the “Social” section.  From within here, you can find links to contact Congress, get poker news, check out the latest by going into “Recently On Twitter,” and check out a tournament schedule that gets its feed from Bluff Magazine.  The other sections take you to PPA-themed pages where you can alter your profile and find other members around you.

The early reviews within the App Store have been extremely positive, with an average of five out of five stars.  There are 10 feedback ratings so far, so the quality of the application seems to be rated quite high by those who have already checked it out.  The application was released on June 7th and currently is in Version 1.1.

On top of the $0.99 charge, you will need to have your iPhone’s iOS updated at least to Version 3.1.3 in order to buy the application.  Updating your iPhone’s iOS is completely free, with the new version 4.0 coming out on June 21st.  The application is 2.4 MB in size, so it will not take up a bunch of space on your iPhone.  It is also to note that the PPA application will work on your iPod Touch and iPad devices.

Visit the official website of the Poker Players Alliance today.


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